Comitato 8 Ottobre 2001 - Per non dimenticare il disastro aereo di Milano Linate
Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare

Le Vittime


Lascia quattro figli di 2 (gemelli), 5 e 7 anni


  • "cieli blu comandante"
    Marco Marras - 08/10/2021
  • "A person who has done everything possible to save the day. It just wasn't possible.
    You left doing the job you loved, once pilot forever pilot.
    Fly high my friend, fly high captain."
    FS - 08/10/2021
  • "A brave Captain, who did everything in his power to save his plane and the people in it. A TRUE CAPTAIN. I live near Linate and every time I pass by I can't help but thinking of that terrible day.
    Plane lovers and spotters will never forgive your bravery and that of your crew.

    I hope that you and all the victims are at peace now."
    F.B. - 13/07/2021
  • "Dear Joakim,

    I was born a few weeks before this tragedy occured and I've just come in touch with it and watched all the reconstructions of the accident. I'm sorry for what happened, you did everything you could do. I hope you're in a better place now, may you rest in peace."
    Emma - 10/07/2021
  • "Captain,

    Just passing by as I recalled the unfortunate disaster at Linate, I send my thoughts to you and all the other souls.

    May you all rest in peace"
    Daniele Ferri - 02/10/2019
  • "I do not really know what I am supposed to write , but I am one of his four kids. I lost a dad at age 2, and I have known all my life that a part of me is missing. I am 18 years old today and I have no memory of my dad. I can just feel that I am missing something and I get emotional every time I think about him. I just wish that I would at least have a memory of him, a virtual picture of him in my head. This situation, that I have lost my dad, will never change even though I hope and wish for it all the time. I just want to say that, I love you dad, Joakim. I miss you. I long for you. I hope that we will meet each other some day in another world, so we can get to know each other Anna Gustafsson - 22/11/2017
  • "Le lacrime faticano ad uscire scorrendo uno alla volta i nomi ed i pensieri dolore impedisce qualunque manifestazione di rabbia e disperazione. La nostra professione ci porta lontano dai nostri cari, a volte per sempre, è sufficiente una frazione di secondo e la nostra vita prosegue solitaria nei cieli e nel cuore di chi ci è vicino. Non ho avuto l'onore di conoscerLa Comandante, ma quando vedo il suo MD80 il pensiero corre sempre a Lei e a tutti Voi. Un caro abbraccio a Tutti"
    Marco - 19/08/2007
  • "Comandante.. c'hai provato.. ..probabilmente senza la tua esperienza e la tua prontezza, quell'aereo sarebbe finito chissà dove, creando ulteriori danni.. Addirittura il Com.Te Adalberto Pellegrino ti ha definito "un grande".. il che è tutto dire..! Ancora non sono ciò che vorrei.. un pilota.. ma sperando di diventare, prima o poi, tuo "collega", ti abbraccio.. assicurandoti che farò il possibile per non far sparire il ricordo di un GRANDE PILOTA.. te.. :-)"
    Alberto - 04/05/2004