Cerchio Blu Association - Oltre il Dovere seminar (January, 16th 2014) - Presentation of the Award to our President, Paolo Pettinaroli

Cerchio Blu association in cooperation with Regione Toscana has organized the Seminar "Oltre il Dovere - L'impatto traumatico nel Post Emergenza" ("Beyond the duty - The traumatic impact during the post-emergency phase).
The event will take place on January, 16th 2014, at "Sala delle Feste" in Florence (Via Cavour, 18).
During the day, the Award "Oltre il Dovere 2014" ("Beyond the duty 2014") will be present to those have been distinguished for their actions in safeguarding human lives. Our President Paolo Pettinaroli is one of them!
For furher information, please visit: http://www.cerchioblu.org/oltre-il-dovere-2014-firenze/