Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Dear Friends

The fifth anniversary has come and gone. We were many, so many, and we had spent two days together, in peace, in friendship and with so much sadness and longing for our loved ones. We are also stronger and more determined than ever to show our union to those who did not believe in our work, to those who were convinced that only after a year our work would all be finished, that we did not want to surrender.

Our determination has always grown, which is to meet our objective, the improvement of air safety. We may not recall why we still do it, perhaps because we do not want to see again the terrible movie in which we were all protagonists, against our will, and maybe because we believe with our efforts we will manage to knock down certain barriers and save human lives. We all believe in what we do and we want to continue doing it.

Many are closed to us sustain us; the assistance that once again the City Hall of Milan gave to us was great, and the constant and caring presence of Mayor Letizia Moratti was touching, as well as the important words she directed toward us. Also, the presence of two good friends, ex-Mayor Alberini and ex-Prefect Ferrante, was moving. The comforting participation of Cardinal Martini was serene. I do not want to forget anyone else who supported us in so many ways and has given us the force to continue.

And what else to say about that magic night of La Scala? Thanks to all from the bottom of my heart.
In the Duomo we were five thousand..
Milan never forgot.
Thank you Milan!
And then our special moments at the Beech Woods Memorial in Forlanini Park.
Well, that is enough for now.

A sincere embrace for you,