Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


On December 14, at the Hotel Splendido in Milano, we had the first > meeting of the new board of the Comitato.
> > Under the supervision of the auditors, Mr. Hollzmiller and Mr. Carpaneda, > the elections for the officers of 2003 have taken place. .
> > Practically nothing changed except for the insertion of Arianna Rosa, > already the press representative, who was nominated second secretary. I > remain President, Ivana Caffi Vice-President, Giorgio Picciriello, first > secretary, and Vittorio Agosti, treasurer. .
> > It will be another very busy year even if our commitments will be of another > nature. We should closely follow the running of the process, organizing > seminars and meetings to maintain a high level of interest of public opinion > about our tragedy so that what happened will never be repeated, advancing > the idea that insurers provide a significant, just and timely damage payment > in case of mass loss of life on public, and activate monetary funds > promised by the Government. .
> > > The labor always becomes tougher, but we will do whatever is possible > because our adventure can achieve our objectives that we have set. .
> > > Now I only have to send you my best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and > Holiday Season. Certainly up there, there are so many to look after us and > sustain us in our difficult path of life. > > With affection