Comitato 8 Ottobre - Per non dimenticare


Dear Friends

The eighth of October is fast approaching and also this year we want to remember all together the tragedy that struck all of us two years ago.

With the collaboration of the City of Milan, SEA and the participation of SAS, the day’s schedule is as follows:

10:30 - Holy Mass celebrated by Milan City’s Cardinal Tettamanzi in the Basilica of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
11:30 a.m - Meeting between the families of the victims and the Cardinal
12.30 a.m - Transfer in Coach Bus to Forlanini Park
1.oo p-m - Civil Ceremony at Forlanini Park
2:00 p.m - Lunch

SEA will organize the event at Forlanini Park, the prayer booklet and the bus service.
SAS will offer the flowers and the participation of the lyric singer that will accompany the Mass.

At the conclusion of the events, we plan to have lunch together at a local restaurant where we can spend some time together.
The cost of the lunch will be borne by those attending the meal, and information will be communicated on our Internet site.

The City of Milan will make available for us at no cost for the entire day the parking at the entrance of subway station, Pagano (Via Giotto/Via Cherubini).
Whoever would like to reach the Church using public transport should arrive to the Subway station, Conciliazone (on the red line).
From 9:30 until 10:15, a shuttle service will be provided for transportation from Pagano subway station to the church.
After the Mass. A bus service wil take us to Forlanini Park, and after to the restaurant, and after to the parking establishment.

To be able to organize the event, we need to receive by September 25, your reservations, specifying how many persons will be go to the Mass, and Forlanini Park, how many to the lunch and how many vehicles will use the parking lot.

Please use the following telephone numbers:
Committee Office: 39 02 801027; Paolo Pettinaroli 39 335 651 3797;
Giorgio Picciriello; Adele Scarani 39 02 481 6309 – 335 5256 127;
Ivana Caffi: 39 030 946 5261 – 335 433 603.


Paolo Pettinaroli
